Thursday, May 3, 2012


Well, it is official. Earlier today it was announced that next year there will be a Elder Scrolls Online game. This has been something that fans of the series have been looking for since the beginning.
Zenimax and Bethesda have been creating this world, so far there are 3 factions to choose from, and it will be available for the PC and MAC. No word on whether it will go to console or not. If you don't have either of these, and are a fan of the franchise. You should save some pennies up and grab what you can.
So if you want more information, check out GameInformer and make sure you keep checking in on this blog. I will be following this relentlessly, like a dragon hunting it's prey. Leave me a message if you want to find out more.


  1. I cant believe they didnt do this sooner

    1. I know, it has been a long time coming. I just hope thy do this the right way, and don't take away from the game itself. It is my understanding that there will be only a third person view in the game, but I will have to dive deeper into it later. What games are you playing now?
      Thanks for the comment!

  2. 3 factions that lore-wise make no sense existing. A very odd decision by ZeniMax Online Studios' part.

  3. Yes, it is a bit odd, but the setting is 1000 years in the past, which could work out. Zenimax started working on this back in 2007, which probably had some influence on Skyrim. THe Factions could have been erased from history, possibly written on scrolls you may find in the new DLC on Skyrim.
